Tag Archives: random

Something Random


This is how Carter eats a granola bar.  He picks the raisins out and leaves the rest.

So, I say, “Carter, would you like some raisins for snack today?”  He says, “No, I want a bar.”

I guess he likes the thrill of the hunt!

Waiting for the Laundry Fairy


I really, truly dislike folding clothes.  I put it off as long as I can.  I’ll wash clothes all the day long, but I don’t want to stand in my room and fold them.  This is proof that mommies don’t get time off.  I was really swamped with other things to do last week and didn’t do a BIT of laundry.

I did fold all that laundry, but now I’m working on the pile for next week.

What’s your procrastination for the week?