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I’m OK With Just Being OK

In a past entry, I was sorta down about our finances.  Basically, I was so fed up with not being able to go out and do anything fun, always having to cook at the house and always having to turn friends down who wanted to go and do anything.  But, after a few weeks the current economic status of this country has set in.  People, in general, are broke.  People are losing their houses.  People are kissing their retirement accounts goodbye and are now facing working longer.  Small businesses are closing.  BIG businesses are having to be bailed out. 

Then there’s us.  I got to quit my job to stay home.  My husband is the only one bringing in any income to speak of–and we’re ok.  We haven’t missed a house payment.  We haven’t missed a payment or even made a payment late for a single bill since I’ve quit my job.  Why wasn’t that ok with me?  That is something to celebrate, really.  Today I paid our pretty large house payment and 3 other bills and there was still a little money left.  For once, I took the right attitude and I got really excited about it!  

I can’t promise that I won’t pout ever again about having to keep our spending so tight, but I do know that my attitude has shifted.  I’m now ok with just being ok.  If this is the worst of it, I can take it and I can be glad knowing that even this too shall pass.